Assembly Technology for SMART DEVICE
For over 30 years, XENON, as a leading German supplier, develops and builds assembly and inspection lines to automate the production of mechatronic components. The internationally based group offers tailor-made hardware and software solutions starting with project engineering, manufacturing and installation up to support. With quality, precision and innovation in the long tradition of Saxon precision engineering, XENON has grown constantly to a size of more than 460 employees worldwide.
XENON Automatisierungstechnik GmbH
Pforzheimer Straße 16
01189 Dresden
Phone: +49 351 402090
Fax: +49 351 40209109
XENON Automation Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No.218 Xing Ming Street
Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP)
Jiangsu 215021
Phone: +86 512 65936661
Fax: +86 512 65936662
XENON Automation Mexico S de RL de CV
Prol. Blvd. Bernardo Quintana Sur 302, Int. 253
Col. Centro Sur
76090 Querétaro, Qro., México
Phone: + 52 442 4784177