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Dr. Alexander Weiß

Head of Business Unit »Smart Systems«
Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems (ENAS)

Artificial Intelligence as a Driver for Microelectronics

The presentation will highlight the crucial role of artificial intelligence as a driver of innovation and progress in microelectronics. It will show how AI influences the development, production and performance of microelectronic products and thus the future of us all. In addition, the positive development of the semiconductor and microelectronics market and the AI market will be presented and it will be emphasised that it makes sense to consider both fields together in the future.

About Dr. Alexander Weiß

Since 2022, Alexander Weiß leads the Business Unit »Smart Systems« at Fraunhofer ENAS.

The aim of his research is to realize these Smart Systems through novel components based on future-oriented technologies, which significantly expand the state of the art with intelligent system integration and are tailored to the requirements of the respective users.

He received Dr.-Ing. in the field of spectral sensor system design, test and application development at Chemnitz University of Technology in 2013. One year later, he received the Schaeffler FAG Foundation Innovation Award in the category Product Innovation for his doctoral thesis.