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Caroline Albers

Process Engineer Water Treatment
DAS Environmental Expert GmbH

Sustainability meets innovation - how data-based after-sales services improve production processes and protect the environment

Founded in 1991, DAS Environmental Expert develops and produces individually adaptable environmental technology solutions. Since the beginning, DAS focuses particularly on production processes because waste gas abatement and wastewater treatment are two critical points within these.

Although it is common practice to store generated data sets during the production processes, these are currently not intelligently evaluated and, above all, no benefit is derived from the data. This misalignment DAS EE used as a tipping point to develop data-based after sales services that make plants smarter and to improve production processes continuously and contribute to the environment protection.

What it takes to set up these services internally to make a real difference for production companies is outlined according to their practical approach.


About Caroline Albers

  • 2013 – 2019 TU Dresden M. Sc. Wasserwirtschaft (Water Engineering)
    • 2018 NTNU Trondheim, Norway
    • 2019 FHNW Muttenz (Baselland), Switzerland


  • Since 2020 at DAS Environmental Experts
    • Since 2020 Process Engineer Water Treatment
    • Since 2022 Project Lead “Smart Systems – Digital Services”