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Marcin Mosinski |  Robert Bosch Semiconductor Manufacturing Dresden

Dr. Marcin Mosinski

Senior Manager "Manufacturing Digitalisation Services"
Robert Bosch Semiconductor Manufacturing Dresden

Green field as an opportunity for Bosch’s data driven AIoT wafer fab

In 2018 Bosch started building a new fully automated semiconductor factory. The digital transformation of a factory is a very difficult business venture, hence Bosch decided to start its new factory transformed already. On the one hand, this means fully automated from the first lot start, on the other hand, a new approach in the IT architecture and in manufacturing IT needed to be established. The degree of automation, the complexity of production and the resulting amount of data require rethinking of the IT system design, resulting in a transformation from the application-centric approach to a data-centric architecture. The challenge of starting the factory automatically also requires rethinking project planning and execution. At the beginning of 2021 we manufactured the first products. We are currently realizing several AIoT use cases and planning the next level of automation – the automation of Fab internal business processes.


About Dr. Marcin Mosinski

Dr.-Ing. Marcin Mosinski is a Senior Manager of “Manufacturing Digitalization Services” with additional responsibilities as Program Manager for “Fab Information and Control Systems” at Bosch Semiconductor FAB in Dresden. Experienced IT Manager and expert in Simulation, AI, and Control Systems with a proven track record in the semiconductor industry, particularly in the areas of manufacturing IT, industrial engineering, and data-driven fab control. Holds a Doctor of Engineering degree in Computer Science from Universität der Bundeswehr München, underscoring a commitment to the field and dedication to advancing technology in the semiconductor sector.