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Martin Däumler

Department Manager Product Development & Product Support

AND Breakout-Sessions
Breakout: Test Wafers – the Hidden GEMS in your Fab

In the intricate landscape of semiconductor manufacturing, managing non-productive wafers – comprising 30% to 50%, and in some cases up to 100%, of the total Fab WIP – is a critical task. These wafers are essential for tool qualification, particle monitoring, handling tests, and other operational needs. While 300 mm fabs typically leverage MES software combined with stocker/sorter hardware for commissioning, 200 mm fabs often rely on manual methods, adding complexity to the process.

Part 1 – Impulse Presentation

The opening presentation will address the challenges associated with managing non-productive wafers, focusing on planning, dispatching, usage, and reclaim. It will also uncover hidden and often underestimated opportunities to improve efficiency in your fab.

Part 2 – Live Simulation

The second talk will introduce a variety of methods to enhance fab automation planning and optimization, with a special emphasis on test wafer management. To provide a deeper understanding, the session will include a live simulation of automation equipment.

Part 3 – Use Case & Expert Discussion

This segment will feature a practical use case and an engaging expert discussion to foster interactive knowledge sharing.


About Martin Däumler

Martin studied industrial engineering and transport economics at the Technical University of Dresden, where he also worked as a researcher.

He has gained experience in various areas in and outside the semiconductor industry. He is now responsible for Product Development, Product Support and Software & Integration at Fabmatics and works with his teams to drive forward the development of innovative products.

His responsibilities include topics related to simulation for the design of AMHS and the development of AMHS components such as AMRs.

He leads the working group “Advanced Automation & Robotics” with the Silicon Saxony network.