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Richard Walther XFab

Richard Walther

OEE Engineer
X-FAB Group

Hitchhikers guide to event driven fab

A lot of new automation solutions request standardized data, best case close to realtime. Our old solution could be a showstopper for some topics. To bring a legacy fab towards more automation, make it event driven. We went from a 20-year-old reporting framework to a state-of-the-art infrastructure for our reporting data and other products.

Let’s take a look on data integration, challenges, use cases, learnings & potential steps on our automation road(map).

About Richard Walther

2009 – 2014  …. Studies in International Manufacturing Engineering @HTW Dresden

2014 – 2018   …. Manufacturing Engineer ThinFilms @ GLOBALFOUNDRIES Dresden

2018 – now    …. OEE Engineer @ Xfab Dresden