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Sven Bürger

Team Lead & DevOps Engineer
ZEISS Digital Innovation

AND Breakout-Sessions
Breakout: Cybersecurity & EU Regulations – What to Fear and How to Prepare

Recent Cybersecurity Regulations by the European Union strive to create secure digital environments for businesses and end consumers. Understanding and fulfilling mandatory legislations put companies under a significant amount of pressure and leave uncertainty.

Part 1

Learn the cybersecurity status of your branch peers – where one stands and how one responds. We start with a short anonymous online survey of the security incidents and level of the regulation implementation, followed by 3 short pitches presenting the new cybersecurity world from different perspectives:

  1. Regulatory change – which requirements are to be met by manufacturers and which by machine operators, understanding roles, responsibilities and what is to be done urgently.
    (Mathias Meyer, Division Manager & Head of Software Engineering and IT Security, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronic Systems Design IEM)
  2. Mentality change – from never change a running system to stay up to date! Products & technology in IoT Cybersecurity – how will the world change?
  3. Software architecture change – SW processes & secure by design & dev Ops- how does an automation software developer respond?
    (Thomas Dreyer, R&D Director, Kontron AIS GmbH)

Part 2

Share your own cybsec problem and effects it has on your daily work! Whether you are a tool owner, a machine producer or an IoT product supplier tell us about your biggest cybsec challenge in an online survey and discuss it in a 45-minute open panel discussion with the above-mentioned experts.

Do not miss the chance of understanding the ins and outs of the cybersecurity regulations and its practical consequences for all the players of the automation industry.

About Sven Bürger

Sven Bürger has over 20 years of experience in IT operations and is recognized as a skilled problem solver. For the past 5 years, he has worked at Carl Zeiss Digital Innovation as a DevOps engineer and team lead, managing cloud infrastructure for the medical industry. In addition, he has contributed to the professional development of his team within his department.


IT Systems Electronics Engineer
BBW Sachsen, Dresden Saxony
2001 – 2004

Work Experience

IT Systems Administrator
Saxonia Systems AG, Dresden Saxony
2005 – 2019

DevOps Engineer / Team Lead
Carl Zeiss Digital Innovation GmbH
2019 – now